After connecting to a Cisco IP phone, the phone is loaded into the Remote Phone Control panel. Basic interaction with the phone includes phone screen and keys.
•The phone screen image is downloaded periodically from the real phone. For certain phone models, the screen is refreshed slice-by-slice. Refresh frequency can be changed in the Settings tab .
•When a key is pressed, it is sent to the real phone and the screen is updated shortly thereafter. This delay can be changed in the Settings tab.
•To improve usability, the numeric keys can be entered from the keyboard.
•The Message Waiting Indicator indicates if there is an unread message.
One instance of UPLINX Phone Control Tool can connect only to the phones of a single CUCM cluster. To control concurrently phones on a second cluster, start the UPLINX Phone Control Tool again. You must have created a second profile for the second cluster to do so. For more information, see Connect to Phones on several clusters.