Word reports use word templates located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\ReportTool\templates\. Word documents are generated by including HTML reports that include CSS style definitions in the *.css files. Table formats, colors and text style of tables are defined in the CSS styles.
Word styles are applied after the HTML report has been included and are part of the Word template document. Word macros do not contain any formatting styles.
That parts of the report that are defined in Word itself are:
•The cover page, including the background image, inserted shapes like boxes and colored columns, The colors, font styles, placement and sizes of cover-page titles and other info set out as #tags# and that are replaced by Report Tool when making the report.
•The headers for the subsequent pages, including the coloring of the #title# tags
•The footer, including the page numbering system
•The font styles for the automatically generated Table of Content
•The font styles etc for the headers and bulleted lists.
The following is an example of how to change the Word template. The example shows how to change theHeader and bullet styles within Microsoft Word for the generated reports:
1.In the folder C:\Program Files\UPLINX ReportTool\templates\ccm\word\A4 or \letter copy one of the existing templates, let us call the copied template ‘New_Template.doc’.
2.Open the Report Tool, go to Report Settings > Template settings , in Template for CUCM Report, select ‘New_Template.doc‘.
3.Generate Test Report to preview the template settings.
4.Open New_Template.doc in Microsoft Word (not the generated report).
5.There will be an initial security warning “Some Active Content has been disabled” about Word Macros. Click Options… > Enable this content , so it will include the macros when saved.
6.Remember to keep all #tags# as they are to include that information in the report.
7.Insert after #BODY# some Heading 1 to Heading 4 text, and a bullet list. To do this, type an example word, eg "HEADER", select it, and click on the HEADER 1 style, under the home button. See following screen-shot:

The proceed to do the same for a HEADER 2, HEADER 3, HEADER 4 and BULLET text.
8.For example, for the bullet text, click anywhere in the bullet text example you have just made, and bring up the Word Style editor in Word by going to Home > Styles , select the small caret bottom right to show the styles window.

9.Select the style called bullet, right click > modify, then Format > select Numbering and Bullets and select the bullet style.
10.For style of heading 1 to 4, do the same by clicking in each text example and in the styles editor select Heading 1, then right click > Modify. Alternatively format a heading 1, then right click Styles > Update Heading 1 to match selection.
11.Save it, leave your additional text.
12.Go back to step 3 until the styles are correct, and look right to you.
13.When you are finished, remove the additional text and save New_Template.doc.
14.You can now generate a sample report using your word template and chosen css file, by going to Report Tool, Report Settings, Template & Settings Preview, Choose a report type, set your new template as the Word Tempalte, and generate Test Report.