The command line interface enables you to execute the Report Tool from any command interpreter that supports executables (.bat, wsh, power shell and others). This enables you to use the Report Tool in scripts and to run it automatically at scheduled times via the Windows Task Scheduler.
•Example 1 - Generate CUCM Report
•Example 2 - Generate CSV Output for One SQL Command
•Example 3 - Generate CSV Output for Several SQL Commands
•Example 4 - Generate Scheduled Reports
•Example 5 - Publish Scheduled Reports to a Web Server
•Example 6 - Automatically Monitor CUCM Configuration Changes and Trigger Alert Emails
•Sync Options
•Using Customer Profiles
Settings such as server IP address and credentials can be passed in as command line options and have priority over the inherited settings of the Report Tool which have been configured in GUI mode. If you have multiple environments with different reports settings, you would first start Report Tool in GUI mode and create a new profile in the top header of Report Tool, then generate the report by using the command line attribute /config <customer profile name.cfg>. The customer profile name is displayed in the drop down box in the header of Report Tool.
The supported reports of the command line interface are:
•CUCM Reports
•IMP/CUPS Reports
•CUC Reports
•CER Reports
•UCCX Reports
•VMware Reports
•Cisco Expressway Reports
•SingleWire Informacast Reports
•Cisco Meeting Server Reports
•Phone Inventory Reports
•Comparison Reports
Command Line Options
C:\Program Files (x86)\ReportTool>ReportTool.exe /help
UPLINX(c) Report Tool for Cisco Unified Communications: 15.0.0 / 25 Jan 2024 Date: 26 Jan 2024 - 15h 09m 53s ReportTool.exe [/options]
# GENERAL options: /profile or /p <profile name> Load settings from this profile name else use Default. Use GUI to create profiles. /outpath <path> Path to be prepended to all generated files /l <logfile> Log output to this file. /help or /h or /? Displays this help
# CUCM report options: /cucm_ip <IP> /cucm_user <user> /cucm_password <password> /cucm_ssh_user <user> /cucm_ssh_password <password> /cucm_test_axl or /t Test CUCM AXL /cucm_test_ssh Test CUCM SSH /cucm_sync <reportname> Sync to CUCM /cucm_report <reportname> Create CUCM configuration report or /inventory <reportname> Create phone Inventory report or /cucm_provuser_report <reportname> Create Provisioned User report
# IMP/CUPS report options: /cups_ip <IP> /cups_user <user> /cups_version <version> Mandatory <9 to 12> /cups_password <password> /cups_ssh_user <user> /cups_ssh_password <password> /cups_test_axl Test CUPS AXL /cups_test_ssh Test CUPS SSH /cups_sync <reportname> Sync to CUPS /cups_report <reportname> Create CUPS configuration report
# CUC report options: /cuc_ip <IP> /cuc_user <user> /cuc_password <password> /cuc_ssh_user <user> /cuc_ssh_password <password> /cuc_test Test CUC Remote DB access /cuc_sync <reportname> Sync to CUC /cuc_report <reportname> Create CUC configuration report
# CER report options: /cer_ip <IP> /cer_user <user> /cer_password <password> /cer_test Test CER SSH /cer_report <reportname> Create CER configuration report
# UCCX report options: /uccx_ip <IP> /uccx_webuser <user> /uccx_webpassword <password> /uccx_sshuser <user> /uccx_sshpassword <password> /uccx_test Test UCCX Web Login and SSH /uccx_includecucm Include CUCM CTI Port and Route Point information in the report /uccx_report <reportname> Create UCCX configuration report
# VMware report options: /vm_ip <IP> /vm_user <user> /vm_password <password> /vm_test Test VMware /vm_report <reportname> Create VMware report
# Cisco Expressway report options: /cew_ip <IP> /cew_user <user> /cew_password <password> /cew_test Test Cisco Expressway /cew_report <reportname> Create Cisco Expressway report
# InformaCast report options: /ic_ip <IP> /ic_user <user> /ic_password <password> /ic_test Test InformaCast /ic_report <reportname> Create InformaCast report
# CMS report options: /cms_ip <IP> IP address of CMS Web + API /cms_port <port> /cms_user <user> /cms_password <password> /cms_ssh_ip <IP> IP address of CMS SSH /cms_ssh_port <port> /cms_ssh_user <user> /cms_ssh_password <password> /cms_test Test CMS Web-API + SSH - requires all of above CMS parameters /cms_report <reportname> Create CMS configuration report
# COMPARE report options: /compare_out <path\compare_filename_out> Create CUCM comparison report with this output file (required) /compare_base <path\compare_filename_base> Base file for CUCM comparison report (optional) /compare_changed <path\compare_filename_chgd> Changed file for CUCM comparison report (optional)
/compare_auditlogpath <path> Folder of Cisco Audit Logs. All subfolders will be searched (optional) /compare_utcoffset_mins Time offset of CUCM server to UTC in minutes. Required if audit logs are provided else optional. Range: -1440 to + 1440 mins
/compare_includeunchanged Include unchanged records in the comparison report.
/inventory phone inventory comparison instead of CUCM comparison (optional)
# SQL query to CSV file options: /sql <SQL command> Specify SQL command such as "Select * from endusers" (required) /csvfile <path\filename> Set filename for output (required) /csvheader Adds column names at top (optional)
# SQL XML file: /sqlxmlfile <path\filename> XML file with SQL commands and output filenames (required) - see sqlxmlsample.txt
# Note: + To include spaces or special chars in a parameter, use quotation marks ie "my param" + <CommonApplicationData> = C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Local\UPLINX Report Tool
Please note
•The order of the arguments (/switches) does not matter.
•Settings of the GUI can be stored within a customer profile which is created from the GUI. Please see customer profiles. If no parameters or only some are given, settings are used from the (default) config file. The CLI switches always overwrite settings in the config file which is set in GUI mode.
•Sync Options specify how to generate the report which is either direct, sync server to local database, generate report from database. Please see Sync Options.
•The output directory for all generated files is set with /outpath <path>. This path should contain the filename if used with /sqlxmlfile to overwrite the output file provided in the first item of the file ‘sqlxmlfile’. This allows using the sql command of the first item in /sqlxmlfile. As only one output file can be specified by /outpath, the ‘sqlxmlfile’ should only contain one item.
•The ReportTool.exe is typically in the path: C:\Program Files\ReportTool\.
•SQL commands for CUCM can be executed and the results are written to a CSV file. The following command runs a SQL command and writes the output of the query into the CSV file named “sqloutput.csv”. The “/csvheader” includes a header with each column name derived for the SQL table:
•ReportTool.exe /sql “select * from device” /csvfile “C:\sqloutput.csv” /csvheade.
•To execute several SQL commands, an XML file can be specified with the /sqlxmlfile option. Please see example 3 below.
•To suppress the current date in the output path, the Generate report path without timestamp option can be enabled in the GUI > Generate report.
Support for Scripts
Unfortunately, scripting itself is not part of our support for the UPLINX Report Tool.
If you require help in scripting, a custom SQL command, a custom report or setting up IIS – please contact us with a requirement description and we will provide a quote for our professional services which will be performed in a Cisco Webex session.