User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool
User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool



Home >  User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool > How to Generate a Report > Generate Phone Inventory Report > Generated Reports

  Generated Reports





The phone inventory report is generated in three formats (Word, CSV, Excel) which contain the following information:

Word (DOC) report

The Word report contains the phone status information (see below) per phone and phone configuration settings which can be defined in the Fields included section of the Phone Inventory settings. The phones are sorted per model.

Excel (XLS) report

The following worksheets (tabs) are available in the report:

Actions: Contains a button that starts a VBA macro to generate the tab Phone Statistics per Device Pool . This macro can be modified to your needs for billing or asset reporting. It summarizes information from the other tabs.

PhoneStats per DP: Phone Statistics per Device Pool (press button Generate Phone Stats per Device Pool first).

Summary: Statistics of the retrieved phones per model.

Phones: Contains the phone status *  information (see below) per phone and all phone configuration settings which appear in the Fields included section of the Phone Inventory settings. This is the same information as in the CSV.

Registration: Contains the phone status *  information (see below) per phone.

Configuration: Contains the configuration information of each phone. Multiple lines (extension) will create multiple records.

Phone Extension: This is the same as the Configuration tab but multiple lines (extension) appear in one record. A maximum of 255 columns can be included which is sufficient for the phone configuration and up to 16 extensions per phone.

Subscribed IP Phone services.

Speed Dial of each phone.

BLF Speed Dial of each phone.

BLF Call Park of each phone.

Device Information.

Network Configuration.

CSV reports

Each spreadsheet within the generated Excel document is exported to a CSV file. It contains the same data. The CSV reports are located in the folder <basefolder>/<ReportForName>/PHONEINVENTORY/<date>/csv/.

Please note that if a phone filter has been defined in the Phone Inventory settings, the Excel and CSV files will only contain the phones that match the filter. This also means that the statistical and summary information will only be for the matches.

For each phone, Phone Status contains:

Phone Name

IP of phone (if registered)

Registration Status

IP of CCM registered to


Login UserID (Extension Mobility user which is logged in) – if empty nobody is logged in

Serial Number

Hardware revision

Software version

MWI status (on/off)

CDP Neighbour Name, Neighbour IP, Neighbor port

PC port info

Extension Module (Product, serial, version).

The phone status contains information from the CUCM database and CUCM RIS (Realtime Information Service); the serial and other phone information are retrieved from the phone web page.

The comparison (audit) function allows comparisons between two Excel phone inventory reports to show any registration or configuration changes. It contains the following tabs in the generated Excel spreadsheet:

Summary tab with the number of added and deleted phones, changed registration status and changes in configuration.

Details tab with all changes highlighted. Red are changes to existing or deleted phones. Green are newly added phones.

New Configured tab: Phones that have been added to CUCM configuration.

New Registered tab: Phones that are now registered but weren't previously.

Unregistered tab: Phones that are now unregistered but were registered previously.

Deleted tab: Phones that have been deleted from CUCM configuration.

Configuration Changes tab: Phones that have been changed in the CUCM configuration.






Copyright © 2024 UPLINX - Last updated 19 Dec 2024