User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool
User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool



Home >  User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool > Generating Reports from the Command Line for Scripting and Scheduling > Example 1.2 - Generate CUCM Report with email

  Example 1.2 - Generate CUCM Report with email





This sample script code is provided in <Report Tool installation folder>\cucmreport.bat. This script implements the following features:

Generate (nightly) CUCM configuration reports

Copy the files

Send a notification email if something fails.

Send a successful notification email. Because the reports can be quite large, attaching the generated file is not recommended.


REM UPLINX Report Tool - Example 1.2 - Generate CUCM Report with email
REM PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SCRIPT IS NOT SUPPORTED and provided as is. We provide custom scripting - please contact us with your detailed specification to provide a quote.
REM Please see user guide > Example 1.2 how to use this script

 @echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
 set starttime=%DATE% %TIME%
echo !starttime!

 REM Set here your MAIL SERVER details - if you leave this empty no email notification will be sent
set mailserver=""
 set mailpassword=passw0rd

 REM Set here your CUCM details - set ip empty to "" to not generate this report
set cucm_ip=""
 set cucm_user="admin"
set cucm_pswd="bla,123"

 REM Set here the report title ie name of the CUCM cluster
set reporttitle=Sydney

 REM Please note - any settings not available or not set in this script will be taken from the specified Report Tool Profile - as there is no profile used here
REM the default profile is used
REM *** MUST DO: No timestamp option in profile (Start GUI, tick No timestamp,close application)
 REM Disable Word, CHM, Excel generation unless required

 REM set the web root folder here - this should match the virtual folder of IIS etc
set webroot=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test
echo webroot=!webroot!
REM this is a temp folder to generate the report before publishing to web server
 set outpath=C:\mytemp\reports
echo outpath=!outpath!
 REM This is a file to store the last report file name for incremental comparison of reports
set fnlastreport=lastreport.txt
 REM This is a file to store the pre - last report file name for incremental comparison of reports
set fnlastlastreport=lastlastreport.txt
REM Create the outpath folder if it does not exist
if not exist !outpath!\NUL md !outpath!

 set datestamp=%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2%
 echo datestamp=!datestamp!

 set timestamp=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
if "%timestamp:~0,1%" == " " set timestamp=0%timestamp:~1,5%
 echo timestamp=%timestamp%

 echo reporttitle=%reporttitle%
REM - This is always the same - do not change
set reportdir=!outpath!\Report_For_%reporttitle%
echo reportdir=!reportdir!

REM change to home directory of Report Tool - this might be different if non-standard install
set binpath="C:\Program Files (x86)\UPLINX Report Tool\"
REM delete any files in the report folder
rd /S /Q !outpath!
 md !outpath!

 if [%cucm_ip%] ==[""] (
echo No CUCM IP address is set - ommitting CUCM report generation
REM change the IP user and password of CUCM
%binpath%ReportTool.exe /outpath !outpath! /cucm_ip %cucm_ip% /cucm_user %cucm_user% /cucm_password %cucm_pswd% /cucm_report %reporttitle%
set endtime=%DATE% %TIME%
echo Errorlevel is %errorlevel%
 set reporterr=%errorlevel%
echo reporterr is %reporterr%
if not %reporterr%==0 (
 echo Something went wrong
set body="CUCM report FAILED from !starttime! to !endtime!"
if NOT [%mailserver%] ==[""] (
blat.exe -to %mailto% -f %mailfrom% -server %mailserver% -u %mailuser% -pw %mailpassword% -subject "CUCM report FAILED from !starttime! to !endtime!" -body !body!
exit /b 1

 echo *** CUCM report is good
 REM COPY the output folder to web server
echo reportdir= !reportdir!
set CUCMreportdirHTML=!reportdir!\CUCM\html
echo CUCMreportdirHTML=!CUCMreportdirHTML!
set CUCMreportFileHTML=!CUCMreportdirHTML!\CUCM_Report_%reporttitle%.htm
 echo CUCMreportFileHTML=!CUCMreportFileHTML!
set destfolder=!webroot!
echo destfolder=!destfolder!
 set destfile=!destfolder!\CUCM_Report_%reporttitle%_!datestamp!_!timestamp!.htm
 echo destfile=!destfile!

Rem Copy the tree image icons to webroot
xcopy !CUCMreportdirHTML!\icons\*.* !webroot!\icons\ /S /Y /Q
 REM copy the report file to the webroot with new timestamps
 IF EXIST !CUCMreportFileHTML! (
copy !CUCMreportFileHTML! !destfile! /Y
) else (
 echo Expecting Generated file with name !CUCMreportFileHTML! but NOT FOUND
echo Have you disabled the time stamps in Report Tool required

 REM If there was a lastreport generated before - save it in last last report file
IF EXIST !fnlastreport! (
 copy !fnlastreport! !fnlastlastreport!
 REM Write the report name to the textfile for next comparison
 echo !destfile!>!fnlastreport!

 if NOT [%mailserver%] ==[""] (
 Echo Send the email notification - This requires BLAT.exe in path
 set body="CUCM report generated successfully from !starttime! to !endtime! <BR> Direct Link: <a href="http://localhost/test/CUCM_Report_%reporttitle%_!datestamp!_!timestamp!.htm">Latest</a>"
 blat.exe -to %mailto% -f %mailfrom% -server %mailserver% -u %mailuser% -pw %mailpassword% -subject "CUCM report generated from !starttime! to !endtime!" -body !body!










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