How to Generate a Report

UPLINX Report Tool for Amazon generates configuration reports for Amazon Connect. We aim to support the most recent versions with all features.

Step 1 - Configure Server Access

First, it would be best to generate an AWS access key as per

To find the region and the instance ID, please see


Step 2- Test Server Access

Step 3 - Report Settings

The report settings are important and contain:

  1. Page format
  2. Template used (Microsoft Word and HTML template)
  3. Color schema
  4. Customer details
  5. Presenter intormation
  6. Title of report
  7. Report file name and output directory
  8. Settings for Contact Flows

 Once all report settings are complete, click “Generate Reports” to generate the report. As reference for report settings, please see Configure-Report-Format.htm

Step 4 - Generate the Report 

On the tab "Generate Reports" tab, select the server type and click "Generate Reports ". In the upcoming dialog, select the configuration items to be included.

Please see Contact Flow Settings and Configure Report Format for further report settings such as title, customer name, output directory and file name, template settings and how to render contact flows.

To select which contact flows are included, check the option "Choose which contact flows" on the tab Report Settings.


© 2009-2024 Last updated 26 Sep 2024