User Guide - UPLINX Phone Control Tool
User Guide - UPLINX Phone Control Tool



Home >  User Guide - UPLINX Phone Control Tool > Using Remote Phone Control Tool > Bulk Key/Command Macros > Command Line

  Command Line






Phone Key Macros can be deployed with the graphical wizard or from the command line. The command line mode can be started from Windows Task Scheduler and enables you to automatically deploy Key Macros based on a schedule. A small script can be created to, for example:

Change any phone settings such as ring tones, ethernet settings and background images

Screenshots of all phones and automatically compare it to a baseline

Sending text notifications to each phone in the organization as a reminder of monthly emergency evacuation drills.


Command line format

PhoneControlTool.exe /bulkmacro <bulkmacro.csv>

There are 2 steps to use the command line:

Step 1: Preparation: Create a Bulk Key Macro

Create a Bulk Macro within Remote Phone Control using the Macro Recorder and save it. Then reference this CSV file in the command.

Example: In Step 4, save it to C:\mytemp\bulkmacro.csv

Step 2: Execute: Execute from command line or within script

Example: PhoneControlTool.exe /bulkmacro "C:\mytemp\bulkmacro.csv"

All logs of executed commands are printed to the console and are also written to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Uplinx Phone Control Tool\Log\CLI.logs







Copyright © 2024 UPLINX - Last updated 3 Dec 2024