User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool
User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool



Home >  User Guide - UPLINX Report Tool > Licensing > License Transfer (Invalidate)

  License Transfer (Invalidate)






How to Transfer an Active License

To transfer an active license from one Windows machine to another, perform these two steps:

1.Start the tool on the source machine, and on the About tab of the tool, click on 'Manage License' and then Transfer. This will remove the allocated license from the UPLINX license management system and it will permanently remove the license from this computer. Please note that the license cannot be transferred back to the source machine. This will be a permanent move. This will free up a license for the destination machine on the UPLINX Licensing System.
On older releases, if transfer is not available, click on the small silver cog (Advanced Functions) of the About tab and select the button Invalidate License .

2.On the destination machine, obtain a new license as per the sections "How to Obtain a License' for your license type.

If there is no internet access, an invalidation code is generated that must be emailed to . The email text will be generated by the tool.

A tool that is no longer licensed (status such as invalidated, wrong HID, demo mode, etc) cannot have its license transferred. Only a tool that is licensed can transfer its license. If you cannot gain access to the active license within the tool, please see Computer Not Accessible.

Please note that it is against our licensing policies for users to pass around licenses. A license is strictly for one user that is technically a single Windows user account on one Windows machine.

This "Invalidate or Transfer" function is intended to move a license to replace hardware and not to create a temporary license key. Unfortunately the Transfer and Invalidate License were abused by some users and UPLINX had to limit license transfers to a reasonable amount. Generating temporary license keys by using the Invalidate/Transfer function is against the UPLINX EULA and UPLINX monitors its usage.

The UPLINX license contains the user's SID to identify the Windows user account and hardware parameters such as processor ID, MAC addresses and motherboard paramters.

Clarification of Terms

Invalidate or Transfer a license key. If there is Internet access, this will remove the license key permanently from the licensed Windows machine and free up one license count on the UPLINX license management system. If there is no internet access, an invalidation code is generated that must be emailed to us to remove the license from the license management system.

Remove a license key. This will only locally remove or delete the license key from the tool. This will NOT remove an allocated license key from the UPLINX license management system. Unless you only want to locally remove a license key to install a new license, this function should not be used.




Copyright © 2025 UPLINX - Last updated 31 Jan 2025